I have a Mahindra 2002 4500, My MAHINDRA will run 10>>12 min and cut off. I have taken out the bottom filter in the fuel tank, replaced the fuel filter in the bottom of the primer filter bold, drained out the fuel in the fuel tank, ran fuel in/out the tank for cleaning, readded new fuel to the fuel tank. And it do the same thing run 10>12 min and cut off. replaced both fuel filter's below the left side of the tractor. What and where something is keeping fuel from getting to the engine?? I notice my fuel primer button is hard to pull up and press down, could this be the problem?? When the tractor running the short time, pressing down on the fuel paddle does nothing, pulling down on the RPM arm does nothing. How to check if the fuel pump is working or not? How can I test the fuel pump???